Dr. Caroline Löbhard

Berlin, Germany · caroline@loebhard.com

Getting a Phd in Mathematics and gaining fame with a rock band at the same time? Traveling to a maths conference directly from a techno party? Holidays inside the bilge of a sailing yacht?

Sounds great to me!

I always keep a cool head, I like to take responsibility, also in difficult situations, and I love to be challenged at various levels.



Goldmarie Finanzen
Green Fintech Startup

We are building up a company that offers sustainable investments with modern risk management.

since March 2020

Research fellow (Postdoc)

Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin

Research group ``Nonsmooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations'' (Prof. M. Hintermüller)

Scientific work in the fields of simulation and optimization
interdisciplinary collaboration for project proposals and reports as well as presentations at international conferences and within the scope of knowledge transfer.
Project and event management
organization of the ``International Conference on Continuous Optimization 2019'' (ICCOPT) at TU Berlin, coordination of meetings and decisions, contract reviewing, communication with service companies; support of the coordination of the DFG Priority Programm (SPP) 1962.
Web/IT development
e.g., conference web page 2019: https://iccopt2019.berlin
print materials 2019: conference book
project web page 2016: https://spp1962.wias-berlin.de

July 2016 - December 2019

Assistant professor ("Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben")

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Lecturing in basic courses in mathematics, e.g., "Mathematik für Naturwissenschaftler", responsibility for examimantions, reviewing of Bachelor and Master theses.

03/2015 - 09/2015 Parental leave
April 2014 - June 2016

Research fellow (PhD student)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Mathematical Optimization, Prof. M. Hintermüller

Working for my PhD theses on adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) for the optimal control of variational inequalities in function space, event management.

January 2010 - March 2014

Research fellow

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Review article on adaptive finite element methods, collaboration for lecture notes, book chapters and others, event organization.

December 2008 - December 2009


PhD in Applied Mathematics

Topic: Optimal Control of Elliptic Variational Inequalities: Numerical Methods and Point Tracking Objectives

Supervisor: Prof. M. Hintermüller

September 2014

Diploma in Mathematics

Technische Universität (TU) München

with distinction, minor subject Computer Science

October 2002 - November 2008


Applied Mathematics

  • Mathematical optimization, algorithm development, path-following and Newton methods
  • Scientific computing, adaptive finite element methods and error estimation
  • Optimal control with partial differential equations and state constraints or obstacle problems
  • Overview on recent topics, e.g. artificial intelligence and machine learning

Communicative skills

  • 9 publications in high level journals
  • about 15 scientific presentations at international workshops and conferences
  • about 8 public talks in the course of knowledge transfer
  • editorial work for web pages and print products

Project management

  • team supervision
  • budget planning
  • third party contracts and negotiation

Programming languages and tools

Data science python, pandas, mongoDB, xml/xpath
Web/data base html, TYPO3, mongoDB, xsl, php, mySQL, css, bootstrap
Scientific computing python, fenics, numpy, matlab, hdf5
Layout LaTeX, TikZ, Adobe Suite
Office software LibreOffice Calc, Microsoft Office Excel, Word, Powerpoint
DevOps emacs, git, github



Recorder/vocals in a band since 2000, music production

Graphics/web design

Web pages, CD-cover artwork, conference materials and logo


Offshore cruises, member of the non-profit association ``Segelsportfreunde München e.V.'', help with legal issues and accounting


Research talks

  • Refinitiv Webinar 23,24/2/2021, meetup.com, Dr. Yves Hilpisch, ESG Scores – How to Build, Structure, Back-Test and Monitor Portfolios with Python.
  • Python for Quant Finance 22/7/2020, meetup.com, Dr. Yves Hilpisch, How to Create a Sustainable and Risk Optimized Portfolio.
  • Science meets Trading 15/7/2020, meetup.com, Nachhaltig und Risikooptimiert Anlegen.
  • Workshop on Industrial Mathematics 10/2019, Strobl, Austria, Adaptive finite element methods for optimization problems with non-smoothness.
  • International Conference on Continuous Optimization 8/2019, TU Berlin, Space-time discretization for parabolic optimal control problems with state constraints.
  • PGMO Days 11/2017, EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, Parabolic becomes elliptic: A solution method with space-time adaptivity for parabolic optimal control problems with state constraints.
  • Non-Smooth Systems 10/2017, TU Darmstadt, An Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for a Parabolic Optimal Control Problem with State Constraints.
  • French-German-Italian Conference on Optimization 9/2017, Uni Paderborn, Space-time discretization of a parabolic optimal control problem with state constraints.
  • Research Seminar 6/2017, WIAS/HU Berlin
  • OCIP 2014, TU München, An elastic mode algorithm for the optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities.
  • Research seminar SoSe 2014, HU Berlin, An elastic mode algorithm for the optimal control of variational inequalities.
  • EUCCO 2013, Chemnitz, An adaptive algorithm for the optimal control of variational inequalities with pointwise objective functionals.
  • Seminar SoSe 2013, HU Berlin, Adaptive Finite Elemente Methoden in der Optimierung bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen: Ein DWR-Fehlerschätzer für ein Optimierungsproblem mit Variationsungleichungsnebenbedingung.
  • GAMM Annual Meeting 2013, Novi Sad, Serbien, Solvability, stationarity and a solution algorithm for the optimal control of variational inequalities with pointwise objective functionals.
  • Applied PDEs working Seminar 3/, University of Warwick, UK, Optimal control with point evaluations and elliptic variational inequalities: Solvability and stationarity conditions.
  • Research seminar 12/2012, HU Berlin, Optimal control with point evaluations and elliptic variational inequalities: Solvability and stationarity conditions.
  • ISMP 08/2012, TU Berlin, Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities: A mesh-adaptive finite element solver.
  • Matheon Workshop 12/2011, TU Berlin, Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities: A mesh-adaptive finite element solver.
  • RMMM 2011, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, Error Estimators in the optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities.
  • Research seminar 2011, HU Berlin, Optimalitätsbedingungen erster Ordnung für die Volatilitätskalibrierung bei amerikanischen Optionen.
  • SIGOPT 2011, Lambrecht/Pfalz, Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities: A mesh-adaptive finite element solver.
  • Research seminar 02/2011, HU Berlin, AFEM für ein optimales Kontrollproblem.


  • Charles Brett, Charles Elliott, Michael Hintermüller, Caroline Löbhard, Mesh Adaptivity in Optimal Control of Elliptic Variational Inequalities with Point-Tracking of the State, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 17, 2015
  • Michael Hintermüller, Caroline Löbhard, An l1-penalty scheme for the optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities, Numerical Analysis and Optimization (Vol. 134 of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics), 2015
  • Caroline Löbhard, Optimal Control of Elliptic Variational Inequalities: Numerical Methods and Point Tracking Objectives, PhD Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2015
  • Michael Hintermüller, Antoine Laurain, Carlos Rautenberg, Caroline Löbhard, Thomas Surowiec, Elliptic Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints in Function Space: Optimality Conditions and Numerical Realization, in Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization, Birkhäuser, 2014
  • A. Gaevskaya, Michael Hintermüller, Ronald Hoppe, Caroline Löbhard, Adaptive finite elements for optimally controlled elliptic variational inequalities of obstacle type, In: Optimization with PDE Constraints (R.H.W. Hoppe, ed.), Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 101, 2014
  • Michael Hintermüller, Ronald Hoppe, Caroline Löbhard, A dual-weighted residual approach to goal-oriented adaptivity for optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 20, (2) 2014
  • Michael Hintermüller, Caroline Löbhard, Solvability and stationarity for the optimal control of variational inequalities with point evaluations in the objective functional, PAMM, Vol. 13, (1) 2013
  • Carsten Carstensen, Martin Eigel, Caroline Löbhard, Ronald Hoppe, A Review of Unified A Posteriori Finite Element Error Control, Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 5, 2012


HU Berlin, 2011-2016
  • Vorlesung und Übung Mathematik 2 für Naturwissenschaftler (04/2016)
  • Vorlesung und Übung Mathematik 1 für Naturwissenschaftler (10/2014, 10/2015)
  • Übung Optimierung bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen (Dr. Rautenberg, 10/2015)
  • Übung Analysis 1* (Prof. Hintermüller, 10/2014)
  • Proseminar Lineare Optimierung (04/2014)
  • Übungsleitung Analysis für Physiker (PD Recke, 04/2014)
  • Übungsleitung Lineare Algebra für Informatiker 1,2 (Prof. Reiß, 2011-2012; Prof. Griewank, 04/2014)
TU München, 2004-2008
  • Übungsleitung Analysis 3-4 (Prof. Suris, 2007/08)
  • Repetitorien zu den Vorlesungen Lineare Algebra 1-2, Analysis 1 (2007-2008)
  • Übungsleitung Analysis 1 (Prof. Rößler, 2007/08)
  • Übungsleitung Lineare Algebra 1-2 (Prof. Rößler, 2006/07)
  • Übungsleitung/Korrektur Analysis für Physiker 1-3 (Prof. Castrigiano, 2005-2007)
  • Übungsleitung/Korrektur Lineare Algebra 1-2 (Prof. Heise, 2004-2005)

Public talks

  • Girls' Day 2019, WIAS, Simpson sucht die Null: Wie eine uralte Idee heute genutzt wird.
  • Girls' Day 2017, WIAS, Simpson sucht die Null: Wie eine uralte Idee heute genutzt wird.
  • Tag der Mathematik 2016, FU Berlin, Simpson sucht die Null: Wie eine uralte Idee heute genutzt wird.
  • Tage der Forschung 2014, Berlin-Adlershof, Simpson sucht die Null -- Wozu man Nullstellen braucht und wie man sie finden kann.
  • Tag der Mathematik 2014, TU Berlin, Das Newton-Verfahren in der Praxis: Was Simpson alles kann!.


  • 5th Digital Future 2019, Berlin
  • 2nd ROMSOC Ethics Workshop, 07/2019, Erlangen
  • ROMSOC MidtermCheck/3rd Supervisory Board Meeting, 11/2018, Bremen
  • Jahrestreffen DFG SPP1962 2018, Kremmen
  • 1st ROMSOC Ethics Workshop, 07/2018, Nürnberg
  • Oberwolfach Workshop 1815, 2018, Challenges in Optimal Control of Nonlinear PDE-Systems
  • ROMSOC First Supervisory Board Meeting, 10/2017, Berlin
  • Leibniz Symposium, Biomaterial-based Approaches in Personalized Medicine, 2017, Berlin
  • SFB-Workshop, Mariatrost, 2017, Graz, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics
  • Annual meeting 2017 of the DFG SPP 1962, WIAS Berlin
  • Autumn School on Nonsmooth Structures in Mathematical Models 2017 DFG SPP 1962, WIAS Berlin
  • Annual meeting 2016 of the DFG SPP 1962, WIAS Berlin
  • ICCP 2014, HU Berlin: Website, IT, graphic design
  • Oberwolfach Seminar 1448b 2014, Projection Based Model Reduction: Reduced Basis Methods, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, and Low Rank Tensor Approximations
  • SFB-Workshop 2014, Mariatrost, Graz, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics
  • VI Symposium 2013, HU Berlin, Organisation, Website, IT
  • Abschlusstreffen DFG SPP1253, Banz 2013
  • PDE's/MASDOC Workshop 2012, University of Warwick, UK
  • Oberwolfach Seminar 1047b 2010, Mathematics of PDE Constrained Optimization
  • Annual meeting DFG SPP 1253, 2010, Freising
  • Oberwolfach Workshop 0925 2009, Computational Multiscale Methods
  • AFEM Workshops in Prague/CEU Budapest (2009)
  • Joined Advanced Student School der TU München 2008, St. Petersburg, Russland
  • Ferienakademie der TU München 2005, 2008, Sarntal, Italien